Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Well earlier you got a view of what happened in Ohio.  We got a 5th wheel.  Let me tell you that story.

We went north to visit MA's sisters.  All three are within a few miles of each other, so visiting is easy.  One day all the girls decided to go shopping.  No guys around, so DB decided to go do a guy thing.  Why not see if  he can find a RV dealership.  Sure enough (as luck would have it) there were two dealers within reasonable driving distance.  First place had a half dozen units that the sales person thought I'd like (I wasn't even sure what I liked), besides, I was only LOOKING.  So I climbed in and out of several units, found some good and bad layouts and satisfied I had fed my guy thing, I headed home.

A few miles down the road, what!!....another camper place.  So, why not just pull in and LOOK some more. This place says they have three units to show me.  It's cold so we hurriedly found two of the three. Back inside asking where the third unit was, the sales manager says "that unit just got traded in and is still in the parking lot".   You guessed it...the exact same model we saw at the Atlanta RV show, one year old, barely used, and  priced just for us.

I found it, now what?  MA needs to see it, she's somewhere else.  So I told salesman, "I'll get back to him".  You wouldn't be surprised would you if I said when she got home from shopping, and I told her about my amazing discovery she said,  NO WAY!!!  Now what?

Well, we returned to Chattanooga and talked about it for a while.  Finally DB convinced MA we should get some pictures from the dealer. Emailed pictures arrive and they are just as expected.  After much talk and consideration we decide to make the plung into RV ownership.  So, we call and eventually purchase the attached.

Get the little things right, and.....

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